The Fragrance of Life
Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel.
Proverbs 27:9
Did you know that scientists have proven what dogs have known for years? Each human being has a distinct scent print! Apparently, humans have approximately 36 different distinctive odors that can give off nearly 100 different scents. Scientists believe that a person can be identified by their scent print. Just as our finger prints are unique so are our scent prints! Interestingly, scientists use words like “odor,” “distinct” and “print” to describe the impact of ones aroma. Have you ever noticed that when you are near a certain smell it cannot be contained? In fact, when you walk away you can still smell it? It is almost as if it has imprinted in your olfactory lobe the imprint of its distinctness. The mere hint of a scent can trigger strong memories. There is a sweet story told of a faithful preacher and songwriter of the late 1800’s named Charles Frederick Weigle. Upon arriving in California for an evangelistic conference he could not resist touring the rose gardens before joining the meetings. Slowly he walked through the gardens basking in the fragrant aroma of the glorious rose bushes. When he arrived at the conference a young man walked up to him and said, “Mr. Weigle, I know where you have been! You have visited our famous flower gardens I can smell their fragrant aroma on you. "My prayer is that I may walk so closely with the Lord that the fragrance of His grace will pervade my being. I want them to know by my words, actions, and songs that I have been with Jesus." This young man desired to leave a scent print that distinctively smelled of Jesus.
Have you ever thought of the fact that our words leave a scent print? Can someone tell by our counsel that we have been in the garden with Jesus? Honestly, we need to ask ourselves how people identify our distinct scent prints and I am not referring to those made by our deodorants’ and spray bottle perfumes! The Bible describes earnest counsel as a sweet perfume that brings joy to the heart.
You might find it interesting that the Hebrew word for perfume is “qetoreth” and some of the words used to describe it are fumigation, smoke or odor of a sacrifice; a burning.
Have you ever been blessed with the sweetness of wise counsel? Most likely that wise counsel is the fragrant aroma of the smoke from that person’s personal sacrifices or sufferings that have been laid upon the altar before the LORD! See, some of the sweetest perfumes are created from the most vile-smelling substances! A goat smelling substance called Capronic acid is transformed by chemists into an entrancing odor. Butyric acid is what gives rancid butter its putrid smell, yet scientists transform it into a flower-like fragrance. To put this is spiritual terms, the Father takes that which was meant for evil and turns it into good for those that love Him and seek His purpose in the situation (Romans 8:28.) Whether, we are seeking wise counsel or asked to give it, we must make sure that complete surrender to the Father’s purposes are sought—both by the one seeking and the one counseling.
It is important we solidify this from the start. See, some of us may be new to our walk with God and others of us might be long time believers. All of us have the capacity to be a sweet smelling perfume as we give wise counsel to our friends. When we lay something before the LORD and let go of it, this is when God can make that which is putrid fragrant! Earnest counsel will come out of the soul of a man when he allows his words from his mind, will, and emotions to be filtered through the spirit of God in him.
Resting in His Reality/Portions of Chapter Four/Copyright 2001 by Tara Rye
Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel. Proverbs 27:9
Maybe you might want to pray what that young man said that day to Mr. Weigle... "My prayer is that I may walk so closely with the Lord that the fragrance of His grace will pervade my being. I want them to know by my words, actions, and songs that I have been with Jesus."
May the fragrant aroma of Christ permeate our scent prints today! AMEN!