The Fountain of Life
Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it,but folly brings punishment to fools. Proverbs 16:22
Have you ever tried to grasp a specific truth or situation and it just seemed to slip away? Your mind is not able to take hold of it, so comprehension just eludes you? Maybe you find yourself saying things like: “Focus!” “Listen!” “Think!” Or you try to ask questions, but the questions don’t make sense even to you. Visually, it makes me think of trying to pour water into a paper towel while it is cupped in your hand so you can get a drink, but the water absorbs into the towel and seeps out through your fingers. A paper towel just does not make a good cup. There may be a little water left, but not enough for you to drink and find filling because the majority of it ran through because the paper towel did not contain support to hold the water. The ability to understand can feel that way at times. It just seems to all seep out! Somehow the supply just eludes, and we can’t comprehend so that we can be successful with what we know and our understanding doesn’t allow us to find success. Yet, the Bible describes understanding as the fountain of life. What makes understanding like water to a thirsty throat? What enables the understanding to nourish or thoroughly absorb? What must we do in order to contain understanding? How is it that a person with understanding becomes a source of life to those that need it once they know how to contain it? How do we get it? I know I want it! Don’t you?
Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it, but folly brings punishment to fools. Proverbs 16:22
Excerpt from: The Golden Life, page 37. You can obtain your own copy at by searching Tara Rye and then the book title.